@Madison said:
@fionaw said:
Something this discussion makes me think about is who are the activists that are fighting for each cause. General environmental protests are really popular. The activists in Latin America that we read a…
@ccstein said:
@caroline22 said:
@cara said:
@Julieta said:
My concern with giving that power or agency to international organizations is that there is a lot of cultural differences…
@Julieta sorry this is kind of late but this is the link I used: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/why-do-environmentalists-keep-getting-killed-around-world-180949446/
I just read the Enemies of the State article and it had a link to a short video in it (Enemies of the state? | Stand with Defenders of land and our environment_). It really makes me think back to earlier discussions we had about environmentalism in …
@a_hipp said:
@cara said:
@fionaw said:
This isn't new information to me but every time I read about it I am always shocked and upset. I think the next steps are tracking down those accountable for the murders and…
@cara said:
@Julieta said:
My concern with giving that power or agency to international organizations is that there is a lot of cultural differences, priorities, etc. that can be lost in the process, and also the corruption, in…
@Julieta said:
These stories were not completely new to me. Within the world of activism I became pretty used to hear how many leaders were killed. From dictatorships until today, activist (and my grandparents within them)were targets of the m…
@Julieta said:
@caroline22 said:
@cara said:
@caroline22 said:
One thing that stuck out to me in The Burning Season was the American filmmaker. I wondered why he was not more afraid, and ge…
@Julieta said:
Is anyone else struggling to open the article "Why Do Environmentalists Keep Getting Killed Around the World?" It keeps telling me since yesterday that something went wrong and it does not open
If you search the article name …
@SpencerFier said:
@caroline22 said:
@slothman said:
@Madison said:
@slothman said:
It's hard for me to imagine a completely different way of life, but somethi…
@cara said:
@caroline22 said:
One thing that stuck out to me in The Burning Season was the American filmmaker. I wondered why he was not more afraid, and getting threats himself. I would think if anything him being American would m…
@a_hipp said:
Many of these stories were new to me, and I am thankful that I now know about incredible activists like Chico Mendez. However, it saddens me to think that such an instrumental figure is not well understood by my generation. It co…
To address Josh's questions, yes these stories were completely new to me. As I mentioned briefly on zoom, I think it was Barbara? who talked about her experience with the dams and her life being in danger. That really stuck to me- I had NO idea that…
One thing that stuck out to me in The Burning Season was the American filmmaker. I wondered why he was not more afraid, and getting threats himself. I would think if anything him being American would make him more of a target. Josh's mention of the …
@Julieta said:
@caroline22 said:
@Julieta said:
@a_hipp said:
@slothman said:
It's hard for me to imagine a completely different way of life, but something tha…
@cara said:
I liked reading about the short circuit system which emphasized localism. The first thing that came to mind was food. Other than some supplementing here and there, I think localism in foodways is an achievable system. However, the …
@Julieta said:
@caroline22 said:
@charlotte said:
This makes me think of other instances of U.S. involvement. In Guatemala, the U.S. hired Edward Bernays to consult on how to make citizens believe that the Guatema…
@fionaw said:
I think social movements that operate with no outside funding can be one of the most impact actions. People involved in these social movements are donating their own time, resources, and money which when made clear really shows t…
@Julieta said:
@a_hipp said:
@slothman said:
It's hard for me to imagine a completely different way of life, but something that I really like and potentially could see being implemented has a lot to do with this i…
@slothman said:
@Madison said:
@slothman said:
It's hard for me to imagine a completely different way of life, but something that I really like and potentially could see being implemented has a lot to do with this…
@a_hipp said:
@slothman said:
It's hard for me to imagine a completely different way of life, but something that I really like and potentially could see being implemented has a lot to do with this idea of short circuits, specifical…
@Madison said:
@caroline22 said:
I think the green economy efforts are a step in the right direction. This is because of the general integration between economic and environmental benefit, which I believe is a necessary combination…
@cara said:
Its hard for me to have a definitive opinion on the green economy one way or another. The integration of economics and environmentalism is important and necessary. However, it seems to me to not be so productive and its integration…
@Julieta said:
I find this topic so complex and hard to be 100% sure of an answer to your questions. Part of me agrees with the earlier comments on how it is a step into the right direction, but I also find it that it is a way to create inacti…
@a_hipp said:
I think that the green economy efforts are a step in the right direction as the idea itself is well-intentioned. I think as the articles mentioned, there is still an elitist take over by companies who utilize the cap and trade as…
I think the green economy efforts are a step in the right direction. This is because of the general integration between economic and environmental benefit, which I believe is a necessary combination to get big organizations/cooperation's (and most p…
@cara said:
@caroline22 said:
For one of my readings, I read about deforestation in Ecuador. Bates dispels a couple myths about deforestation in Ecuador, one of which I found particularly interesting. Bates discusses that the peopl…
@cara said:
I liked how hydrodevelopment was contextualized in “Action-Research and Environmental Justice: Lessons from Guatemala’s Chixoy Dam.” The article first framed hydrodevelopment has being a solution to the seasonality and unpredictab…
For one of my readings, I read about deforestation in Ecuador. Bates dispels a couple myths about deforestation in Ecuador, one of which I found particularly interesting. Bates discusses that the people there (deforesting) do know what they are doin…